c++ - nVidia driver version from WMI is not what I want -

i want driver version of nvidia video card. used wmi , data "driverversion" obejct of "win32_videocontroller" class. ""(file version) , wanted "311.06"(treiber version). can information? if impossible on wmi, want know other way that. thanks.

you can using nvml nvidia's tesla deployment kit. can retrieve internal driver version (the 1 you're accustomed seeing nvidia driver) code this:

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <nvml.h> #include <windows.h>  namespace {  typedef nvmlreturn_t (*init)(); typedef nvmlreturn_t (*shutdown)(); typedef nvmlreturn_t (*get_version)(char *, unsigned);  class nvml {     init nvmlinit;     shutdown nvmlshutdown;     get_version nvmlgetdriverversion;      std::string find_dll() {         std::string loc(getenv("programw6432"));         loc += "\\nvidia corporation\\nvsmi\\nvml.dll";         return loc;     }  public:         nvml() {         hmodule lib = loadlibrary(find_dll().c_str());         nvmlinit = (init)getprocaddress(lib, "nvmlinit");         nvmlshutdown = (shutdown)getprocaddress(lib, "nvmlshutdown");         nvmlgetdriverversion = (get_version)getprocaddress(lib, "nvmlsystemgetdriverversion");          if (nvml_success != nvmlinit())             throw(std::runtime_error("unable initialize nvml"));     }      std::string get_ver() {         char buffer[81];         nvmlgetdriverversion(buffer, sizeof(buffer));         return std::string(buffer);     }      ~nvml() {         if (nvml_success != nvmlshutdown())             throw(std::runtime_error("unable shut down nvml"));     } }; }  int main() {       std::cout << "nvidia driver version: " << nvml().get_ver(); } 

note if you're writing purely own use on machine you're free edit path, can simplify quite bit. of code deals fact uses nvml.dll, in directory that's not on path, code loads dynamically, , uses getprocaddress find functions in need use. in case, we're using 3 functions, it's not difficult deal with, still @ drastically increases length of code.

if ignore nonsense, real code come out on general order:

nvmlinit(); nvmlsystemgetdriverversion(result, sizeof(result)); std::cout << result; nvmlshutdown(); 

anyway, build it, you'll need command line like:

 cl -ic:\tdk\nvml\include nv_driver_version.cpp 

...assuming you've installed tesla deployment kit @ c:\tdk.

in case, yes, i've tested @ least degree. on desktop prints out:

nvidia driver version: 314.22 

...which matches have installed.


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