Compiling a Java USB program with unusual errors/warnings -

i developing usb reading java program name of attached usb device. code wrote:

import; import java.util.list; import javax.usb.*; import javax.usb.usbdevice; import javax.usb.usbdisconnectedexception; import javax.usb.usbexception; import javax.usb.usbhostmanager; import javax.usb.usbhub; import javax.usb.usbservices;  public class listusbdevices {     public static void main(string[] args) throws securityexception, usbexception, unsupportedencodingexception, usbdisconnectedexception {         usbservices services = usbhostmanager.getusbservices();         usbhub roothub = services.getrootusbhub();          list<usbdevice> devices = roothub.getattachedusbdevices();         if (devices.size() > 0) {             system.out.println("usb devices found.");         } else {             system.out.println("no usb devices found.");         }          (usbdevice device : devices) {             system.out.println("\tproduct string " + device.getproductstring());             system.out.println("\tmanufacturer string " + device.getmanufacturerstring());             system.out.println("\tserial number " + device.getserialnumberstring());         }     } } 

when compile program, shows warning:

note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations. recompile -xlint:unchecked details. 

i recompile -xlint:unchecked, , shows this: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion      found   : java.util.l      required: java.util.list<javax.usb.usbdevice>      list<usbdevice> devices = roothub.getattachedusbdevices();                                           ^. 

but class file created.

when run program, exception:

exception in thread "main" javax.usb.usbexception: properties file not found. 

how solve problem? how set properties file in mac? had set classpath this:

export classpath=.:/users/sakkisetty/documents/jsr80-1.0.1.jar 

but i'm not sure worked. pointers appreciated.

the properties file part of native package. wasn't aware of implementation osx.

an example of how set linux available @ javax.usb faq.


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