linux - How pkmap_page_table is used on kmap? -

pkmap_page_table has pointer of page table kmap when kernel starts.
example, pkmap_base 0xffe00000 , fixaddr_start 0xfff00000, if kernel tries use high memory, ttb0's pte should set 0xffe00000 ~ 0xfff00000 virtual address.
how pkmap_page_table's pte used making map?
, how ttb0's pte modified same pkmap_page_table's pte?

thank you.

i not sure problem occuring there code sinnpet availble in "understading linux kernel" book.

on page 309; last lines; "once procress awakened function checks whether process has mapped page invoking page_address(); if no other process has mapped page yet inner loop restarted."


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