seo - Removing spam subdomains from Google index -

if google search using "" (mydomain isn't mine obviously!) lot of first , 2nd page results contain bogus subdomains.

first of all, wtf? why setup links create google index bogus subdomain website? whats scam here? i've had significant drop in google ranking on last 3 months , can't work out why.

a sample of these subdomains: w. w3ww. www.lawsuitsettlementamounts.com2960. www.lawsuitsettlementamounts.com4519. www.lawsuitsettlementamounts.com3754. beft.ru5258. wa-go2ui.com10992. wa-go2ui.com10993.

i've updated apache2's siteavailable file domain disallow wild card sub domains. other domain or www. allowed. (as per i've told google via webmaster). these bogus links return 403

is enough? should more?

after doing bit more research think best response 404 "page not found". i've updated apache configs sites-enable/000-default contain following:

edit - i've changed 404 400. think 404 not strong enough message search engines subdomain bogus. "syntactically incorrect" (400) more accurate "page not found" (404)

<virtualhost *:80> servername bogus redirect 400 / </virtualhost> 


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