php - insert into database session variable -

can please ? trying insert session variable part of dtabase row. other fields enter correctly 4 session variables declared @ top dont enter blank field in database. can tell me how insert session variable data please

<?php if(isset($_post['score'])) {     require "dbconn.php";     $home = $_session['home'];     $away = $_session['away'];     $gameid = $_session['gameid'];     $date = $_session['date'];     $batsman = strip_tags($_post['batsman']);     $bowler = strip_tags($_post['bowler']);     $extras = strip_tags($_post['extras']);     $wickets = strip_tags($_post['wickets']);     $runs = strip_tags($_post['runs']);     $over = strip_tags($_post['over']);     $penalty=$runs+1;      if ($extras == "none")             {//   sql insert statement add appropriate record / wide adds 1 + score onto bowler , total     mysql_query     ("     insert statitstics2      (home, away, gameid, batsman, bowler, extras, wickets, runs, batscore, bowlscore, totalscore, over, date)      values ('$home','$away','$gameid','$batsman','$bowler','$extras','$wickets','$runs', '$runs', '$runs', '$runs','$over','{$_session['date']}')     ") or  die("".mysql_error());            //here can write conformation or success message or use redirect     header('location:./scorecard.php?pass=register success');     echo "ball added please add next ball";              }             else if ($extras == "wide")             {                 //   sql insert statement add appropriate record / wide adds 1 + score onto bowler , total     mysql_query     ("insert statitstics2 (home, away, gameid, batsman, bowler,  extras, wickets, runs, batscore, bowlscore, totalscore, over, date)      values ('{$_session['home']}', '$away', '$gameid','$batsman','$bowler','$extras','$wickets','$runs', '0', '$penalty', '$penalty','$over','$date')     ") or  die("".mysql_error());            //here can write conformation or success message or use redirect     header('location:./scorecard.php?pass=register success');     echo "ball added please add next ball";             }                        else if ($extras == "noball")             {             //   sql insert statement add appropriate record / noball added runs onto batsman , runs plus penalty onto total , bowler     mysql_query     ("insert statitstics2 (home, away, gameid, batsman, bowler,  extras, wickets, runs, batscore, bowlscore, totalscore, over, date)      values ('{$_session['home']}', '$away', '$gameid','$batsman','$bowler','$extras','$wickets','$runs', '$runs', '$penalty', '$penalty','$over','$date')     ") or  die("".mysql_error());            //here can write conformation or success message or use redirect     header('location:./scorecard.php?pass=register success');     echo "ball added please add next ball";             }                    else if ($extras=="legbyes")             {             //   sql insert statement add appropriate record / leg byes added onto total     mysql_query     ("insert statitstics2 (home, away, gameid, batsman, bowler,  extras, wickets, runs, batscore, bowlscore, totalscore, over, date)      values ('{$_session['home']}','$away', '$gameid','$batsman','$bowler','$extras','$wickets','$runs', '0', '0', '$runs','$over','$date')     ") or  die("".mysql_error());            //here can write conformation or success message or use redirect     header('location:./scorecard.php?pass=register success');     echo "ball added please add next ball";             }                        else if ($extras=="byes")             {             //   sql insert statement add appropriate record / byes = score onto total     mysql_query     ("insert statitstics2 (home, away, gameid, batsman, bowler,  extras, wickets, runs, batscore, bowlscore, totalscore, over, date)      values ('{$_session['home']}', '$away','$gameid', '$batsman','$bowler','$extras','$wickets','$runs', '0', '0', '$runs','$over','$date')     ") or  die("".mysql_error());            //here can write conformation or success message or use redirect     header('location:./scorecard.php?pass=register success');     echo "ball added please add next ball";             }  } ?> 


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