r - Convert string to single digits and sum -

i've tried hours find solution thought easy task failed.

i have string consisting of 3 different characters ('i','r' & 'o') length 1 6.

irrroo rrorrr iir rirro 

each character represents number i=1,r=2,o=3
need convert string single number, multiply position , sum result. e.g

irrroo ---> (1*1)+(2*2)+(2*3)+(2*4)+(3*5)+(3*6) =52 iir    ---> (1*1)+(1*2)+(2*3) =9 

thanks in advance help.

factors have numeric equivalents. can leverage nicely example:

# original x1 <- "irrroo"           # 1    2    3 levs <- c("i", "r", "o")  # split string , convert factors, numeric x1f <- as.numeric(factor(strsplit(x1, "")[[1]], levels=levs))  # tally  sum(x1f * seq_along(x1f)) 

or nice, single-line function:

sumvalue <- function(x, levs=c("i", "r", "o"))      sum(seq.int(nchar(x)) *  as.numeric(factor(strsplit(x, "")[[1]], levels=levs)))  sumvalue("irrroo") # [1] 52 sumvalue("iir") # [1] 9 


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