.net - User settings/configuration with impersonation -

is possible configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration use impersonated user (when impersonation being done similar code sample windowsimpersonationcontext) - following being small extract?

using (safetokenhandle) {     console.writeline("did logonuser succeed? " + (returnvalue ? "yes" : "no"));     console.writeline("value of windows nt token: " + safetokenhandle);      // check identity.     console.writeline("before impersonation: "         + windowsidentity.getcurrent().name);      configuration config;     //config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(configurationuserlevel.peruserroamingandlocal);     //console.writeline("local user config path: {0}", config.filepath);      // use token handle returned logonuser.      using (windowsidentity newid = new windowsidentity(safetokenhandle.dangerousgethandle()))     {         using (windowsimpersonationcontext impersonateduser = newid.impersonate())         {              // check identity.             console.writeline("after impersonation: " + windowsidentity.getcurrent().name);              // line throws exception             config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(configurationuserlevel.peruserroamingandlocal);             console.writeline("local user config path: {0}", config.filepath);          }     }     // releasing context object stops impersonation      // check identity.     console.writeline("after closing context: " + windowsidentity.getcurrent().name); } 

if add call inside impersonated scope, exception thrown:

exception occurred. error occurred loading configuration file: catastrophic failure (exception hresult: 0x8000ffff (e_unexpected)) 

if call openexeconfiguration before impersonation block, second call (inside block) doesn't fail, returns path original user.

there's few things need happen make work:

  1. the impersonated user's profile needs explicitly loaded using loaduserprofile - not done impersonating user. note api requires calling process must have se_restore_name , se_backup_name privileges.
  2. if using settings class inherits applicationsettingsbase, need implement custom settingsprovider knows how load config per-user
  3. the settings properties default cached. need customise getters force reload() each time ensure settingsprovider gets called.

this sample showing how call loaduserprofile api - http://www.codeproject.com/articles/125810/a-complete-impersonation-demo-in-c-net


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