coding style - Python PEP 8: Blank lines at the beginning of a module -

there question treat not talk points interested.

pep 8 says blank lines:

separate top-level function , class definitions 2 blank lines. 

then if have:

  1. a module class:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-   class a(object):     pass 

    do separate begin of class , encoding comment 2 blank lines?

  2. a module import statement , classes:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  import module   class b(object):     pass   class c(object):     pass 

    do separate import statement , encoding comment 1 blank line?

    and import statement , begin of class 2 blank lines?

  3. and main module:

    #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  import module   def main():     = module.a()     return 0   if __name__ == '__main__':     status = main() 

    do separate import statement , top-level function 2 blank lines?

    and end of top-level function , conditional statement 2 blank lines?

there's python module called pep8 can check code see if complies pep8 guidelines.

i tried running pep8 on examples listed, , several variants of them, , in general, pep8 program accepted of them compliant pep8 guidelines. basically, answer questions yes.

there exist level of subjectivity -- example, have 2 or 1 newlines between main function , if __name__ == '__main__' segment. however, wouldn't worry pep8 compliance -- download , install pep8 program along other code analyzers (such pylint). long code passing tests, it's enough.
