Sorting data from database with Rails -

i suspect question stupid , answer obvious, totally stuck it.

in controller movies_controller.rb have method index, fills array @movies values database calling @movies = movie.all, , method sort, same, use @movies = movie.order(:title) instead.

if call sort explicitly index see in view index.html.haml sorted title list of movies expect. but, how can call method sort clicking on link? try

in index.html.haml:

%th= link_to 'movies title', 'movies', :on_click => 'self.sort' 

in routes.rb:

match ":controller => movies, :action => sort" => 'movies/index' 

and nothing happening, method sort never executes. actually, have no idea how right. looks obvious everyone, me.

can find short answer how right? please, kick me in right direction!

if looking sorting data in table need plug in in place sort table according attribute. following jquery plugin that,

or can achieve same background sorting order clause. check out following,
