android - Does our Apps load all classes in the included library files? -

in android applications include many library files such google-play-services-lib , facebook-sdk etc. never use features , classes libraries, question when .apk file gets created classes included or classes use included in our application? if yes there way can around that? ie can remove or avoid inclusion of classes?

thank you...

you should keep android application small possible. therefore should include classes in jars need.

it better obfuscate code using proguard.

proguard java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, , preverifier. the shrinking step detects , removes unused classes, fields, methods, , attributes. optimization step analyzes , optimizes bytecode of methods

obfuscation secures code extent.

to enable proguard in project, edit

# project target. proguard.config=${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt target=google inc.:google apis:16 android.library.reference.1=../actionbarsherlock


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