android - How to access string present in string.xml -

i want build alertdialog string present in string.xml r.string.string1 returning int. please tell me way string prestent in string.xml here code..

   public static void showalert(string alertmessage) {     final alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(null);     builder.setmessage(alertmessage);                   final alertdialog alert = builder.create();; }   showalert(r.string.string1); 

use getresources().getstring getting string value strings.xml as:

string str=getresources().getstring(r.string.internetnotavailable); showalert(str); 

and passing null alertdialog.builder creating alertdialog. please pass current activity context instead of null creating alertdialog as:

alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(your_current_activity.this); 


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