ember.js - Ember Router transitionTo nested route with params -

app.router.map(function() {     this.resource('documents', { path: '/documents' }, function() {         this.route('edit', { path: ':document_id/edit' });     });     this.resource('documentsfiltered', { path: '/documents/:type_id' }, function() {         this.route('edit', { path: ':document_id/edit' });         this.route('new');     }); }); 

and controller subview event transitions filtered document

app.documentscontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     subview: function(context) {     ember.run.next(this, function() {         //window.location.hash = '#/documents/'+context.id;         return this.transitionto('documentsfiltered', context);     }); }, }); 

my problem code works fine when hash of page changed.

but when run above code not w/ location.hash bit , w/ ember native transitionto cryptic

uncaught typeerror: object [object object] has no method 'slice'

any clues?



app.documentsfilteredroute = ember.route.extend({ model: function(params) {     return app.document.find({type_id: params.type_id}); }, });  {{#collection contentbinding="documents" tagname="ul" class="content-nav"}} <li {{action subview this}}>{{this.nameoftype}}</li> {{/collection}} 

the problem model hook returning array, while in transitionto using single object. rule of thumb calls transitionto should pass same data structure returned model hook. following rule of thumb recommend following:

app.documentscontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     subview: function(document) {         var documents = app.document.find({type_id: document.get("typeid")});         ember.run.next(this, function() {             return this.transitionto('documentsfiltered', documents);         });     } }); 

note: assume type_id stored in attribute typeid. maybe need adapt according needs.


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