Android DeviceDefault Switch button -

i need device default switch (api lvl 14) button. have switch buttons in app, want them device default switch buttons, not android. how can that? tried change theme of application have custom 1 used custom title bar , if try change theme (e.g. theme.devicedefault) force close because of custom title. highly appreciated.

this how switch looks (for device): enter image description here

may looking togglebutton (api lvl 1), or swith (api lvl 14)?

update: okay, can use imageview, can handle clicks. , in xml:

 <imageview           android:layout_width="100dp"           android:layout_height="100dp"           android:background="@drawable/my_swich"  /> 

in my_swith.xml in drawable folder:

<selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/selectedimage" /> <item  android:drawable="@drawable/normalimage" /> </selector> 

and final, in code need set onclicklistener image. when onclick event on image need this:


and custom(you own toogle) hope correct understand question.


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