c# - VirtualizingPanel acts weird with many many Children -

hiho, im facing serious issues implementing horizontal virtualizingpanel right way. virtualization works far , items positiones @ right positions when scroll though items, items start overlapping(for me @ item 671090) , following items start creating gaps between each other. effect increases depending on horizontal offset. tried locate problem watching itemposition in debug intends be. different implementations found in internet have same problem. tried virtualizingtilepanel implementation provided dan crevier , staggeredpanel described in "sams wpf control development unleashed". both seem have same problem when add lot of items.

steps reproduce: 1. download example http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dancre/archive/2006/02/16/implementing-a-virtualizingpanel-part-4-the-goods.aspx

or sample code from


  1. add example 1000000 items virtualization.
  2. scroll through data
  3. problem starts me @ item 671090(maybe depending on architecture?)

edit: itemswidth set 100.0, problem occurs @ same index colleagues

any nice.

thank , greetings


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