sql server - how to convert the below subquery into joins using one update statement -

below complete query have , ultimate aim update claim table. should 1 statement without subquery, joins allowed because going run in appliance won't support subquery:

declare @decwdrwn table(ctryid smallint, cmid int, decwdrwndt int); s  (     select           ctryid,cmid,dt,         isnull((             select  max(cmhistdttmid)                 claimhistory l                st = 3                      , l.ctryid = c.ctryid                      , l.cmid = c.cmid)             , 0) maxdec,          isnull((             select  max(cmhistdttmid)                 claimhistory l                st = 7                      , l.ctryid = c.ctryid                      , l.cmid = c.cmid)             , 0) maxset              claimhistory c              st =3 )  insert  @decwdrwn select  ctryid, cmid, max(dt) decdt     s   maxset > maxdec group   ctryid,cmid 

your response appreciated...

update  claims  set     cmdclnwdwndt = (             select  decwdrwndt                 @decwdrwn d                d.cmid = claims.cmid                      , d.ctryid = claims.ctryid             )   exists (         select  *             @decwdrwn d            d.cmid = claims.cmid                  , d.ctryid = claims.ctryid         ) 

please try inner join update:

update set a.cmdclnwdwndt = b.decwdrwndt claims a, @decwdrwn b a.cmid = b.cmid ,         a.ctryid =b.ctryid 


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