verilog - Trouble with VGA Controller on CPLD -

what attempting create vga controller lattice machxo cpld in verilog.

the problem

i attempting display color red resolution of 640x480 @ 60hz using 25.175 mhz clock internal cpld; however, when plug cpld monitor "out of range" message; no monitor try can understand resolution like.

what i've tried

i have simulated code in modelsim (pictures included), , appears save 1 issue. when count amount of time steps have occurred during v-sync display zone (when h-sync drawing) , divided frequency of h-sync, 479 pulses -- 1 short of 480 lines should drawing. don't understand coming i've check timings many times, , suspect may symptom of problem, i'm not sure.

the numbers i'm using generate numbers timings tiny vga:

below code, , pictures of timings modelsim, thanks.

module top(reset, h_sync, v_sync, red);     input  wire reset;     output wire h_sync;     output wire v_sync;     output wire red;      wire rgb_en;      /*** test bench code ***/      //reg osc_clk, reset;      //initial begin          //#0 reset     = 0;          //#0 osc_clk = 0;          //#2 reset     = 1;      //end       //always #1 osc_clk = ~osc_clk;      oscc        oscc_1 (.osc(osc_clk)); /*< ip clock module lattice cpld    >*/     controller  cntrl(.nrst(reset), .clk(osc_clk), .h_sync(h_sync), .v_sync(v_sync), .rgb_en(rgb_en));      assign red = (rgb_en ? 1:1'bz);   endmodule  module controller(clk, nrst, h_sync, v_sync, rgb_en);     input  wire clk;        /*< clk input top module   >*/     input  wire nrst;       /*< reset input top module >*/     output reg  h_sync;     /*< goes vga horizontal sync >*/     output reg  v_sync;     /*< goes vga verical sync    >*/     output reg  rgb_en  ;   /*< enables rgb values durning display time on h_sync   >*/      reg [10:0] h_counter;   /*< tracks amount of pulses clk                    >*/     reg [19:0] v_counter;   /*< tracks amount of pulses h_sync                 >*/      `define h_sync_pulse        11'd96      /*< length of sync pulse            >*/     `define h_back_porch_end    11'd144     /*< pulse len + porch len           >*/     `define h_front_porch_strt  11'd784     /*< front porch len - max           >*/     `define h_count_max         11'd799     /*< max line pulses resolution          >*/      `define v_sync_pulse        19'd1600     `define v_back_porch_end    19'd28000     `define v_front_porch_strt  19'd412000     `define v_count_max         19'd419999      /*** state machine h_sync ***/     @(*) begin         /* if vertical sync line not in display zone, keep h_sync low */         if(!(v_counter > `v_back_porch_end && v_counter < `v_front_porch_strt)) begin             h_sync = 0;             rgb_en = 0;         end         /* if vertical sync line in display zone, allow h_sync go through procedure */         else begin             if (h_counter < `h_sync_pulse) begin                 h_sync = 0;                 rgb_en = 0;             end             /* if h_sync in display zone, enable rgb */             else if (h_counter > `h_back_porch_end && h_counter < `h_front_porch_strt) begin                 h_sync = 1;                 rgb_en = 1;             end             /* during front porch period, disable rgb */             else begin                 h_sync = 1;                 rgb_en = 0;             end         end     end      /*** state machine v_sync ***/     @(*) begin         if (v_counter < `v_sync_pulse) begin             v_sync = 0;         end         else begin             v_sync = 1;         end     end      /*** counter logic ***/     @(posedge clk) begin         if (h_counter >= `h_count_max || !nrst) begin             h_counter <= 11'b00;         end         else begin             h_counter <= h_counter + 1;         end     end      @(posedge clk) begin         if (v_counter >= `v_count_max || !nrst) begin             v_counter <= 11'b00;         end         else begin             v_counter <= v_counter + 1;         end     end  endmodule 

/< h_counter @ porch >/

/< counter rollover , v_sync >/

every vga monitor i've worked requires red, green, , blue signals 0 during blanking periods (hsync | vsync). instead of assigning z (high impedance) try assign red = (rgb_en ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);. have green , blue (or assign them 0 permanently).

if it's not that, timing issue. try use oscilloscope measure frequency of vsync signals - should nicely line 60hz.


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