c++ - Sending a vector through zeromq with msgpack -

i can't seem send vector of struct serialized msgpack through zeromq.

it's vector of struct:

struct mydata {     mydata() : id(0), x(0), y(0), a(0) {}     mydata(const obj &r) : id(0), x(r.pose[0]), y(r.pose[1]), a(r.pose[2]) {}     mydata(const obj *r) : id(0), x(r->pose[0]), y(r->pose[1]), a(r->pose[2]) {}     double id;     double x;     double y;     double a;     msgpack_define(id, x, y, a); }; 

on sending side:

data std::vector<mydata>

msgpack::sbuffer sbuf; msgpack::pack(sbuf, data); zmq::message_t msg(sbuf.data(), sizeof(char *) * sbuf.size(), null, null); local_socket->send(msg); // zeromq's send function 

did construct sbuffer or message_t wrong?

on receiving side:

i'm not sure if supposed cast msg.data() or not can't find documentation on how work zeromq , messagepack.

message_t msg; server_socket->recv(&msg);  msgpack::unpacked unpacked; msgpack::unpack(&unpacked, reinterpret_cast<char*>(msg.data()), msg.size()); msgpack::object obj = unpacked.get();  std::vector<mydata> data; obj.convert(&data); printf("size %d\n", data.size()); 

i following error:

terminate called after throwing instance of 'msgpack::type_error'
what(): std::bad_cast aborted

i appreciate help.

this seems have done trick me:

msgpack::sbuffer sbuf; msgpack::pack(sbuf, data); zmq::message_t msg(sbuf.size()); memcpy(msg.data(), sbuf.data(), sbuf.size()); 


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