ms access - 'Object Required' to send Email -

i'm trying make function sends email email address in 1 of queries (upcomingbirthday). i've got code in function , in macro autoexec runs when load database.

public function emailsend() dim imsg object dim iconf object dim flds object dim schema string  set imsg = createobject("cdo.message") set iconf = createobject("cdo.configuration") set flds = iconf.fields   schema = "" flds.item(schema & "sendusing") = cdosendusingport flds.item(schema & "smtpserver") = "" flds.item(schema & "smtpserverport") = 25 flds.item(schema & "smtpauthenticate") = cdobasic flds.item(schema & "sendusername") = "" flds.item(schema & "sendpassword") = "mypassword" flds.item(schema & "smtpusessl") = false flds.update  imsg     call emailsend(upcomingbirthday.[email], "", "birthday promotion!", "<html>happy birthday! <p> our records indicate you're eligible birthday promotion.</p></html.")     set .configuration = iconf     .send end  set iconf = nothing set imsg = nothing set flds = nothing  end function 

now when try run code, tells me "run-time error 424 - object required" , highlights line when go debug: call emailsend(upcomingbirthday.[email], "", "birthday promotion!", etc.. need values column 'email' in query 'upcomingbirthday' , send email them.

if me telling me need fix error that'd great! , if scan code , see if it's fine (as in should work)? thanks! :)

the call emailsend statement within public function emailsend problematic. if want assign values properties of imsg (a cdo.message object) like

with imsg     .to = ""     .from = ""     .subject = "birthday promotion!"     '' , on     .send end 

also, don't know upcomingbirthday because defined elsewhere.

you might want save bother , use sendemail function available download here:


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