oracle - Result doubles when the row count is greater than 9 -

i have problem query because doubles results when total number of columns greater 9. query used is:

select * ( select  lol.* , row_number() on (order regexp_substr(wipdatavalue, '^\d+')) n , count(*) over() m ( select  wipdatavalue , containername , l , q qtybox , d , qtyperbox q , productname , dt , dsn , case when instr(wipdatavalue, '-') = 0 to_number(wipdatavalue) else to_number(substr(wipdatavalue, 1, instr(wipdatavalue, '-') - 1)) end una , case when instr(wipdatavalue, '-') = 0 to_number(wipdatavalue) else to_number(substr(wipdatavalue, instr(wipdatavalue, '-') + 1)) end dulo trprinting_ls containername = :lotid )lol start instr(wipdatavalue, '1') > 0 connect level between regexp_substr(wipdatavalue, '^\d+') , regexp_substr(wipdatavalue, '\d+$') ) n :n; 

i'm guessing because of connect level between regexp_substr(wipdatavalue, '^\d+') , regexp_substr(wipdatavalue, '\d+$') maybe d pertaining 1 character. how can have corrected?


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