powershell - Conditional loading of snapins in profile -

we have internal application utilizes powershell. in profile (microsoft.powershell_profile.ps1) have added references various snap-ins we've created:

# # profile joe blow # add-pssnapin companysnapin add-pssnapin powershelltesttools add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnaps -erroraction silentlycontinue 

the problem i'm having when start internal application, above lines of code, throw errors.

my question is, there way (in profile script) can test or trying open profile , things accordingly ?

example might be:

if (!internalapplication) {     add-pssnapin companysnapin     add-pssnapin powershelltesttools     add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnaps -erroraction silentlycontinue } 

so snapins if launch powershell command line utility. otherwise, nothing "added".

thanks !

it depends on custom app/ host implementation, really. means there @ least few ways skin cat.

you can start checking if $host.name differs. next - check if properties present/ set (like $host.ui.rawui.backgroundcolor).

once know difference - need put code causes issues in if {} else {} , should go.


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