c# - Get PDF Printout from console application programatically in background -

how can printout of pdf file printer programatically? printout command should execute without additional dialog popping up.

i'm using console application , need without using 3rd party library or tool

along lines of @freelancer wrote, use following method uses adobe's registry settings find path acrobat reader executable, prints silently default printer:

private void printpdf(string filename) {     var hkeylocalmachine = registry.localmachine.opensubkey(@"software\classes\software\adobe\acrobat");     if (hkeylocalmachine != null)     {         var exe = hkeylocalmachine.opensubkey("exe");         if (exe != null)         {             var acrobatpath = exe.getvalue(null).tostring();              if (!string.isnullorempty(acrobatpath))             {                 var process = new process                 {                     startinfo =                     {                         useshellexecute = false,                         filename = acrobatpath,                         arguments = string.format(cultureinfo.currentculture, "/t {0}", filename)                     }                 };                  process.start();             }         }     } } 


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