java - Checking if a message contains a string -
i have have class check id phrase contained in message, tried matcher
, pattern
, string.contains()
, results returned odd.
here class:
public class motsclesfilter implements emailfilter { final string name = "filtrage par mots cles"; /*private pattern chainespam; private matcher chainecourriel;*/ private int nboccmotspam; private byte confidencelevel; @override public string getfiltername() { return; } @override public byte checkspam(mimemessage message) { analyze(message); if(this.nboccmotspam==0) this.confidencelevel = 1; else if (this.nboccmotspam>0 && this.nboccmotspam<2) this.confidencelevel = cant_say; else if (this.nboccmotspam>1 && this.nboccmotspam<3) this.confidencelevel = 50; else if (this.nboccmotspam>3 && this.nboccmotspam<4) this.confidencelevel = 65; else if (this.nboccmotspam>4 && this.nboccmotspam<5) this.confidencelevel = 85; else this.confidencelevel = 90; return (getconfidencelevel()); } public void analyze(mimemessage message){ try { list<string> listechaines = new arraylist<string>(); bufferedreader bis = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(new file("spamwords.txt")))); while(bis.ready()){ string ligne = bis.readline(); listechaines.add(ligne); } string mail = ((string.valueof(message.getcontent()))); //system.out.println(mail); (int j =0; j<listechaines.size();j++){ //system.out.println(listechaines.get(j)); pattern chainespam = pattern.compile(listechaines.get(j),pattern.case_insensitive); matcher chainecourriel = chainespam.matcher(mail); if (chainecourriel.matches()) this.nboccmotspam++; } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } catch (messagingexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } @override public byte getconfidencelevel() { // todo auto-generated method stub return this.confidencelevel; } @override public boolean enabled() { // todo auto-generated method stub return true; } }
the results returned checkspam
1 if use matches , 90 if use find, returns 90 when use mail.contains(listechaines.get(j))
that means message doesn't match of strings in file, there @ least 5 strings in file can found inside message.
checks if whole string matches pattern. not if substring matches it.
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