javac - Compile in Java 6, run in 7 - how to specify useLegacyMergeSort? -

i'm wondering if compile in java 6, runs program on java 7, java 6 or 7 version of arrays.sort used?

it's important because new mergesort throws illegalargumentexception, , old 1 doesn't (see comparison method violates general contract! java 7 only)

now, it's possible compile in java 7 using arrays.uselegacymergesort, flag isn't available java 6 - , want compatible on mac os snow leopard (which uses 6).

for reason (see -target compiler flag doesn't seem produce compatible code, we'd rather compile in java 6.

any suggestions?

try set system property

java -djava.util.arrays.uselegacymergesort=true ...

note it's not arrays public api src

   /**      * old merge sort implementation can selected (for      * compatibility broken comparators) using system property.      * cannot static boolean in enclosing class due      * circular dependencies. removed in future release.      */     static final class legacymergesort {         private static final boolean userrequested =                    new                     "java.util.arrays.uselegacymergesort")).booleanvalue();     } 


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