osx - View Based Table View Within a View Based Table View -

i'm looking create mac app in have table view within table view.

i used view based table view , inside it's cellview, i've placed table view. far, good. run program , can see both table views working fine. created different outlets tables warning says

warning: unsupported configuration: outlet 'innertable' of 'file's owner' connected 'table view,' invalid destination (object may repeated @ runtime.) 

i looked error couldn't definite answer.

my aim create "pulse" app available iphone / ipad.

another thing:

when make inner table view - view based, without writing code, error:

command /applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed exit code 255 

i cannot seem control inner table view in way.

here's screen shot of how things in xib.

![screen shot shows xib](http://prntscr.com/zuic3) 

any appreciated.

there demo project in apple documentation called tableviewplayground. in apple demonstrate how reference custom objects in nstableview. demo shows 3 different examples, want @ complex table view option.

sadly demo totally undocumented, , code awkwardly written, can examine connections in xib files , see subclassed , referenced , how puzzle cites together, perhaps helps either way.


i believe way create connections custom cells not using assistant editor - though it's commonplace in ios. instead, declare iboutlets in code beforehand, use connections inspector control-drag element in ib custom class. doing prevent "unsupported configuration" error.


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