c# - What is the most effective way to 'align' two separate lists by ordinal in a single ItemsControl? -

over-simplifying our model purposes of example, let's have 2 lists of data, lista , listb, both of of type list<string>. data perspective, not related. lista , listb can added to, removed from, or otherwise updated independently.

what we're trying display them both @ same time in same list, aligned ordinal position.

our first approach create new listmapping object follows:

public class listmapping {     public int index{ get; set; }     public string stringa{ get; set; }     public string stringb{ get; set; } } 

then create list<listmapping> relating strings @ ordinal position 'x' of lista , listb , we'd initialize this:

var mappedlist = new list<listmapping>(); var maxitems = math.max(lista.count, listb.count); for(int index = 0; index < maxitems; index++) {     var lm = new listmapping(){         index   = index,         stringa = (index < lista.count) ? lista[index] : null;         stringb = (index < listb.count) ? listb[index] : null;     }     mappedlist.add(lm); } 

the problem approach had manually manage new list of listmap objects. if item deleted listb, need manually shift listmapping.stringb properties 1 position 'realign' new listmapping.stringa. same thing insert, etc.

our next approach not store string values in listmapping, index, , make getters return value directly underlying lists, this...

public class listmapping {     public int index{ get; set; }     public string stringa{ get{ (index < lista.count) ? lista[index] : null; } }     public string stringb{ get{ (index < listb.count) ? listb[index] : null; } } } 

and we'd initialize list<listmapping> object this...

var mappedlist = new list<listmapping>(); var maxitems = math.max(lista.count, listb.count); for(int index = 0; index < maxitems; index++) {     var lm = new listmapping(){         index   = index     }     mappedlist.add(lm); } 

using design, we'd need trigger property changed notifications stringa , stringb properties of listmapping index have been affected operation on either lista or listb. cleaner , no held references source objects, had have reference list objects themselves. plus, still need manually manage overall list of listmapping items ensure there's @ least 'maxitems' items @ times. better, not ideal.

i can't wonder if there's way construct itemscontrol have 2 itemssource properties clever layout panel , itemcontainergenerator, seems i'd doing in ui i'm doing in data.

so, thoughts on way solve issue?


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