emacs - How to enable automatic spell check by default? -

i can't find can added init file enable automatic spell check default.

automatic spell checking (flyspell) can enabled menu -- may there way learn how menu entry work?

i have following in init.el:

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode) (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode) 

that covers editing needs fine.

hooks 'events' or observer pattern if you're used oop: they're lists of functions run @ points. 1 of main ways customise emacs adding own functions these hooks.

most modes in emacs call hook when they're enabled. prog-mode mode programming modes derived, adding functions prog-mode-hook customises programming modes.

the best reference stuff built-in emacs lisp manual (c-h r or m-x info-emacs-manual). has sections on emacs lisp programming, including chapter on hooks.


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