php - Zend Framework 2 - ZFCUser - How to exclude landing page from auth -

i'm using zf2 in combination zfcuser , bjyauthorize. have landing page should globally accessable. other pages need behind login.

at first blamed bjyauthorize not letting guest users access landing page. after discussions seems zfcuser blocking way.

my question is: how can tell zfcuser not block 1 page/action?


my application/module.php looks in this post. when add app myapp whitlist, can access landing page other actions myapp well.

any ideas how alter condition can match url or whitlist frontend-action?

maybe add second route landing page. that's not clean solution, right?

if insist on checking authentication in onboostrap method this:

class module {     protected $whitelist = array(         'zfcuser/login' => array('login'),         'your-landing-route' => array('your-landing-action'),     );      public function onbootstrap($e)     {         $app = $e->getapplication();         $em  = $app->geteventmanager();         $sm  = $app->getservicemanager();          $list = $this->whitelist;         $auth = $sm->get('zfcuser_auth_service');          $em->attach(mvcevent::event_route, function($e) use ($list, $auth) {             $match = $e->getroutematch();              // no route match, 404             if (!$match instanceof routematch) {                 return;             }              // route , action whitelisted             $routename = $match->getmatchedroutename();             $action = $match->getparam("action");              if(array_key_exists($routename,$list) && in_array($action,$list[$routename])) {                 return;             }              // user authenticated             if ($auth->hasidentity()) {                 return;             }              // redirect user login page, example             $router   = $e->getrouter();             $url      = $router->assemble(array(), array(                 'name' => 'zfcuser/login'             ));              $response = $e->getresponse();             $response->getheaders()->addheaderline('location', $url);             $response->setstatuscode(302);              return $response;         }, -100);     } } 

i've changed code little white list contains specific actions. can check action parameter little bit more specific white listing.

i don't know if best way it, i'm showing how can it.

i don't think need check authentication when using bjyauthorize can use resource checks. if user has other guest role real user , authenticated. again, i'm not 100% on know don't use zfcuser authentication checks in application uses bjyauthorize. use route guards specify role level needed aparticular route.

maybe else clarify this?


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