sql server - PHP DBO - mssql - bigint as join in query -

i have php based site needs pull data mssql server hosted within intranet in office. have written sql pull data out , logically works perfectly. during testing on windows machine, code returns data require.

but, when put same query php, using php dbo dblib, no return (ie false) indicates there syntax issues. answer simple questions, can connect no issues db, , many of other queries work (from same db, same table) specific slq doesn't seem work.

upon further investigation have come realize there limitation 'php_mssql' in relation 'bigint' data types. had read on php.net , found this looks if there no predefined constant handle 8bit int's.

just clarification, sql im trying run:

select dbo.vehicle.vehicleid, dbo.vehicle.carnumber, dbo.driver.driverid, dbo.driver.drivernumber, dbo.driver.drivername, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.bookingid, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.pickupsuburb, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.destinationsuburb, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.reasondispatchedtocar, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.timejobrequired, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.timecaracceptedjob, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.timecarpickedup, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.timecarcompletedjob, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.kmtopickup, dbo.vehiclejobhistory.kmofjob, dbo.dispatchstatus.alias   (dbo.tbldispatch   right join ((dbo.vehicle   left join dbo.vehiclejobhistory on dbo.vehicle.vehicleid = dbo.vehiclejobhistory.vehicleid) left join dbo.driver on dbo.vehiclejobhistory.driverid = dbo.driver.driverid) on dbo.tbldispatch.bookingid = dbo.vehiclejobhistory.bookingid)   left join dbo.dispatchstatus on dbo.tbldispatch.statusid = dbo.dispatchstatus.dispatchstatusid   (dbo.vehicle.vehicleid = ’$vid’) , (dbo.vehiclejobhistory.timejobrequired between ‘$datefrom’ , ‘$dateto’) 

the issue on join using bookingid, defined on sql server 'bigint'

basically want know if there work around available?


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