XCode not autogenerating Obj. C code from .h to .m source file -

i'm following nick kuh's book on how make iphone apps. i'm beginner. i'm on chapter 4. i'm stuck @ point clicked , dragged view view controller. program isn't autogenerating in .m source file (for example: not coming in .m source file @sythesize dealercard1, , on). i'm supposed write these in or should automatically me? thanks

hello yes should have write these part. assuming using ui looking thing when dragged view controller? anyways in .h file need equivalent to

@property (nonatomic, retain) iboutlet uiview *mydraggedview; 

and in .m file need

@sythesize mydraggedview 

then need connect property view dragged onto controller. should google how there better tutorials can write right now. should hookup events objects in interface builder. anyways luck!


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