- MVC4 issue with showing multiple partial views on a single View -

i have been struggling problem no avail. using mvc4 have 3 models wish show on single view via partial views. single view comprised of 3 partial views (3 numerated list tables). can 1 model display in view, can't figure out how display other 2.

here have view controller:

[allowanonymous]     public actionresult dashboard()     {         //database.setinitializer<alertscontext>(null);         database.setinitializer<memberuserscontext>(null);         //database.setinitializer<clubscontext>(null);          //alertscontext db = new alertscontext();        memberuserscontext db = new memberuserscontext();         //clubscontext db = new clubscontext();         //db.memberusers.tolist()         return view(db.memberusers.tolist());     } 

this have model view (to compile remove 2 aren't under @model ienumerable statement:

    @model ienumerable<gmc.models.memberusers>      <div class="dashboard_alerts">           @html.partial("dashboardalerts")    </div>      <div class="dashboard_pending_clubs">            @html.partial("dashboardclubs")     </div>      <div class="dashboard_verified_members">            @html.partial("dashboardmembers")      </div> 

in each partial view headers follows:


    @model ienumerable<gmc.models.clubs> 


    @model ienumerable<gmc.models.memberusers> 


    @model ienumerable<gmc.models.alerts> 

now question how pass 3 database contexts dashboard? thoroughly confused , struggling.

lots of ways , make generic, have viewmodel. class create support dashboard view:

public class dashboardviewmodel {      public ienumerable<gmc.models.clubs> clubs {get;set;}   public ienumerable<gmc.models.memberusers> memberusers {get;set;}   public ienumerable<gmc.models.alerts> alerts {get;set;} } 

if these different tables in database, should accessed through same context, because context manages connection , other resources. however, without seeing code not go on tangent.

[allowanonymous]     public actionresult dashboard()     {         //populate data our view model(vm)         var vm = new dashboardviewmodel{            clubs = db.clubs.tolist(),            memberusers = db.memberusers.tolist(),            alerts = db.alerts.tolist()         };         return view(vm);     } 

dashboard view:

    @model dashboardviewmodel      <div class="dashboard_alerts">           @html.partial("dashboardalerts", model.alerts)    </div>      <div class="dashboard_pending_clubs">            @html.partial("dashboardclubs", model.clubs)     </div>      <div class="dashboard_verified_members">            @html.partial("dashboardmembers", model.memberusers)      </div> 

personally, instead of using html.partial use action/renderaction, these allow call action returns partialviewresult, , each action responsible retrieving own data. don't way, if appropriate, action/partial view more reusable way.

this more this:

    public actionresult dashboard()     {         return view();     }      public partialviewresult clubs()     {        ....         return partialview(db.clubs.tolist());//this assumes partial view named clubs.cshtml, otherwise you'll need use overload pass view name     }      public partialviewresult alerts()     {        ....         return partialview(db.alerts.tolist());     } 



    <div class="dashboard_alerts">           @html.action("alerts")    </div>      <div class="dashboard_pending_clubs">            @html.action("clubs")     </div>      <div class="dashboard_verified_members">            @html.action("members")      </div> 


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