FusionCharts PHP with Ajax -

i'm using fusioncharts free populate chart.

in main.php:

<html> <head>     <script language="javascript" src="fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js" ></script>      <script language="javascript">         function ajax(divid)         {             if (window.xmlhttprequest)                 xmlhttp=new xmlhttprequest();             else                 xmlhttp=new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");              xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()             {                 if (xmlhttp.readystate==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)                     document.getelementbyid(divid).innerhtml=xmlhttp.responsetext;             }              return xmlhttp;         }          function detailedchart(couid)         {             xmlhttp = ajax("detaileddiv");             xmlhttp.open("get", "getdetailedresult.php?couid=" + couid, true);             xmlhttp.send(null);          }            </script> </head>  <body>     <?php         $strdataurl = "getresult.php";         echo renderchart("fusioncharts/fcf_column3d.swf", $strdataurl, "", "chart1", 600, 300);     ?>      <div id="detaileddiv" align="center"></div>  </body> </html> 

in getresult.php:

if ($result)         $chart -> adddatafromdatabase($result, "total", "name", "", "javascript:detailedchart('##id##')"); 

in getdetailedresult.php

<?php     $chart -> newfusioncharts("column3d", "900", "500");     $chart -> setswfpath("fusioncharts/");     $chart -> setchartparams("caption=....");     $chart -> adddatafromdatabase($result, "total", "name");     $chart -> renderchart(); ?> 

the problem create drilldown getresult getdetailedresult using ajax, show me "chart." instead of chart. if change

$chart -> renderchart(); $chart -> renderchart(true);

it show me bgcolor="".

why happening , how can solve it? there other simpler way populate detailedchart through ajax?

million thanks.

if investigate, see getting html (a div) , script (some javascript code render chart in div) in responsetext.

now, when set responsetext innerhtml of html element, html dom parser adds , displays html part (div text chart). however, not execute script part (that intended render chart inside div replacing chart text.

the ideal way achieve rendering execute script.

this managed if use jquery ajax function, similar to:

    function detailedchart(couid) {         jquery.ajax({            url: "getdetailedresult.php?couid=" + couid,            success: function(responsetext) {               jquery("#detaileddiv").html(responsetext);            }       });      }   

note: need load jquery js file in head of html.


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