java - How to create a regex that replaces two or more consecutive identical characters with only two? -

assuming have twitter message similar following:

"hoot, soooooo coooool!!!" 

i want come java regex string.replaceall result in following:

"hoot, cool!" 

i started , have tried permuting following without success:

original.replaceall("(.)\\1+", "$1"); 

does know how come regex greedily reduce several consecutive characters 2 characters? solution must not reduce 2 repeating characters 1 (e.g. word hoot should not reduce hot).

if need replace 2+ characters two, can modify expression, this:

original.replaceall("(.)\\1+", "$1$1"); 

however, there not enough information in regex make exception "soooooo" , trim "so", opposed "soo".

here demo on ideone.


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