c# - How to refresh the current page after selecting an item in ListPicker -

i'd know how refresh current page with

henavigationservice.navigate(new uri(navigationservice.source + "?refresh=true", urikind.relative));

after pick element in listpicker.

i suppose using mvvm light windows phone. in case, should catch event in page , trigger command on viewmodel.


code-behind of page

private void listbox_selectionchanged(object sender, selectionchangedeventargs e) {     viewmodelclass vm = this.datacontext viewmoedlclass;     if (vm != null)     {         vm.refreshcommand.execute();     } } 


class viewmodelclass {     public viewmodelclass     {         this.refreshcommand = new relaycommand(() =>         {             navigationservice.navigate(new uri(navigationservice.source + "?refresh=true", urikind.relative));         }        }      public relaycommand refreshcommand { get; set;}  } 


<listbox selectionchanged="listbox_selectionchanged" /> 

in theory shouldn't have in code-behind , bind command viewmodel directly selectionchanged-event, not (directly) possible in windows phone. if want go route can take @ eventtocommand. page explains steps in more detail: http://www.geekchamp.com/articles/how-to-bind-a-windows-phone-control-event-to-a-command-using-mvvm-light


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