javascript - How to draw doughnut with HTML5 canvas -

i draw doughnut within html5 canvas.if background color of canvas solid color, able draw it. it's gradient color, can't draw it.

i know how draw doughnut, when backgroud color of canvas gradient color.


example of d.chart


this code:

function background(context, coordinate, properties) {   var x = coordinate.x //起始点x   , y = coordinate.y //起始点 y   , w = coordinate.w //宽度(终点-起始点之间的宽度)   , h = coordinate.h //高度(终点-起始点之间的高度)   , gradientfactor, gradientcolor; //渐变因子, 渐变色;   switch( properties["background-fill-type"] ) {      case "solid":        context.fillstyle = properties["background-color"];        break;      case "gradient":        gradientfactor = properties["background-gradient-factor"];        gradientcolor = context.createlineargradient(x, y, x + w, y);        gradientcolor.addcolorstop(gradientfactor, properties["background-first-color"]);        gradientcolor.addcolorstop(1 - gradientfactor, properties["background-second-color"]);        context.fillstyle = gradientcolor;        break;      case "image":        break;    }    context.fillrect(x, y, w, h);    context.restore(); } 
  1. if background color of canvas solid color:
var context = canvas.getcontext("2d")   , properties = {      "background-fill-type": "solid", //solid color      "background-color": "#ffffff",      "background-first-color": "#008b8b",      "background-second-color": "#f5deb3",      "background-gradient-factor": 0.5,      "border-color": "#ffffff",      "border-thickness": 0 };  //draw canvas background (solid color) background(context, {      x: 0,      y: 0,      w: properties["width"],      h: properties["height"] }, properties);  //draw doughnut; context.beginpath(); context.translate(centerx, centery); context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, dpi, false); //外部圆 context.fillstyle = "blue"; context.fill();     context.closepath();  context.beginpath(); context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, dpi, false); //内部圆 context.fillstyle = properties["background-color"]; context.fill(); context.closepath(); context.restore(); 
  1. if background color of canvas gradient color:
var context = canvas.getcontext("2d")    , properties = {          "background-fill-type": "gradient", //gradient color          "background-color": "#ffffff",          "background-first-color": "#008b8b",          "background-second-color": "#f5deb3",          "background-gradient-factor": 0.5,          "border-color": "#ffffff",          "border-thickness": 0    };       //draw canvas background (gradient color)      background(context, {          x: 0,          y: 0,          w: properties["width"],          h: properties["height"]      }, properties);      //draw doughnut;     context.beginpath();     context.translate(centerx, centery);     context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, dpi, false); //外部圆     context.fillstyle = "blue";     context.fill();         context.closepath();      context.beginpath();     context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, dpi, false); //内部圆     //context.fillstyle = properties["background-color"];     // *----------------------------------------------------------------------*     // | how solve internal circle , canvas background color consistent? |     // |      // *----------------------------------------------------------------------*     context.fill();     context.closepath();     context.restore(); 

this effect diagram.( little crooked, - -! ):

enter image description here

drawing data-donut gradient background

enter image description here

your donut circle center cut out.

so draw outer circle , draw inner circle cut donut.

to display data, outer circle can assembled arcs sweeps indicate data ( called wedges).

you can draw individual wedges supplying starting , ending angles of arc (in radians).

    ctx.arc(cx, cy, radius, startradians, endradians, false); 

fill both canvas , inner circle same gradient display consistent gradient.

here code , fiddle:

    <!doctype html>     <html>     <head>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/reset.css" /> <!-- reset css -->     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      <style>         body{ background-color: ivory; }         canvas{border:1px solid red;}     </style>      <script>     $(function(){          var canvas=document.getelementbyid("canvas");         var ctx=canvas.getcontext("2d");          // define donut         var cx = math.floor(canvas.width / 2);         var cy = math.floor(canvas.height / 2);         var radius = math.min(cx,cy)*.75;          // datapoints         var data=[];         data.push(67.34);         data.push(28.60);         data.push(1.78);         data.push(.84);         data.push(.74);         data.push(.70);          // colors use each datapoint         var colors=[];         colors.push("teal");         colors.push("rgb(165,42,42)");         colors.push("purple");         colors.push("green");         colors.push("cyan");         colors.push("gold");          // track accumulated arcs drawn far         var totalarc=0;          // draw wedge         function drawwedge2(percent, color) {             // calc size of our wedge in radians             var wedgeinradians=percent/100*360 *math.pi/180;             // draw wedge   ;             ctx.beginpath();             ctx.moveto(cx, cy);             ctx.arc(cx, cy, radius, totalarc, totalarc+wedgeinradians, false);             ctx.closepath();             ctx.fillstyle = color;             ctx.fill();             ctx.restore();             // sum size of wedges far             // begin our next wedge @ sum             totalarc+=wedgeinradians;         }          // draw donut 1 wedge @ time         function drawdonut(){             for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){                 drawwedge2(data[i],colors[i]);             }             // cut out inner-circle == donut             ctx.beginpath();             ctx.moveto(cx,cy);              ctx.fillstyle=gradient;             ctx.arc(cx, cy, radius*.60, 0, 2 * math.pi, false);             ctx.fill();          }          // draw background gradient         var gradient = ctx.createlineargradient(0,0,canvas.width,0);         gradient.addcolorstop(0, "#008b8b");         gradient.addcolorstop(0.75, "#f5deb3");         ctx.fillstyle = gradient;         ctx.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);          // draw donut         drawdonut();      }); // end $(function(){});     </script>      </head>      <body>         <canvas id="canvas" width=400 height=300></canvas>     </body>     </html> 


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