javascript - Prevent hash change from scrolling -

sorry ugly layout example below...

i managed append id name url:

function generateurl(el) {     var currentid = $(el).attr('id');     document.location.hash = currentid; } 

and add:

<a id="abc2" onclick="generateurl(this)" >this anchor btn</a> 

but end having same effect as:

<a id="abc2" href="#abc2" >this anchor btn</a> 

everything fine don't want scroll when when click on link how should that? many in advance.

if ids aren't necessary, href="#some-value change window location without scrolling page. if need id in document (on tags in case) location change cause scroll. can work around using history object in modern browsers or storing scroll location on link click, resetting using hashchange event.

i use markup both solutions:

sample markup:

<div class="filler"></div> <a id="abc1" href="#abc1" class="my-class">this anchor btn</a> <div class="filler"></div> <a id="abc2" href="#abc2" class="my-class">this anchor btn</a> <div class="filler"></div> <a id="abc3" href="#abc3" class="my-class">this anchor btn</a> <div class="filler"></div> 

history.replacestate or history.pushstate

live demo (click).

//get element referneces var elems = document.getelementsbyclassname('my-class');  //iterate on references (var i=0; i<elems.length; ++i) {   //add click function each element   elems[i].addeventlistener('click', clickfunc); }  //this store scroll position var keepscroll = false;  //fires when ".my-class" link clicked function clickfunc(e) {   //prevent default behavior of link   e.preventdefault();   //add hash   history.replacestate({}, '',; } 

scrolltop , hashchange event

live demo (click).


//get element referneces var elems = document.getelementsbyclassname('my-class');  //iterate on references (var i=0; i<elems.length; ++i) {   //add click function each element   elems[i].addeventlistener('click', clickfunc); }  //this store scroll position var keepscroll = false;  //fires when ".my-class" link clicked function clickfunc(e) {   //if location hash set link   if (window.location.hash === '#' {     //do nothing     e.preventdefault();    }   else {     //the location change - store scroll position     keepscroll = document.body.scrolltop;   } }  window.addeventlistener('hashchange', function(e) {   //the location has has changed    //if "keepscroll has been set   if (keepscroll !== false) {     //move scroll position stored position     document.body.scrolltop = keepscroll;     //set "keepscroll" false behavior won't affect irrelevant links     keepscroll = false;   } }); 


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