web services - Get IP Address of the requested client(Soap message) -

i working on creating soap message , need find requested client ip. have been finding way find client ip still can't. let me know steps how can find client ip when request client?

so want able @ ip address of client consuming web service, within service?

you create class examines of server variables, of pull data http headers. i've found looking @ http_x_forwarded_for , remote_addr trick (ex. in c#):

public class ip {     public static string userhostaddress { { return httpcontext.current.request.userhostaddress; } }     public static string remote_addr { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["remote_addr"]; } }     public static string http_x_forwarded_for { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_x_forwarded_for"]; } }     public static string http_client_ip { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_client_ip"]; } }     public static string http_x_forwarded { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_x_forwarded"]; } }     public static string http_x_cluster_client_ip { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_x_cluster_client_ip"]; } }     public static string http_forwarded_for { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_forwarded_for"]; } }     public static string http_forwarded { { return httpcontext.current.request.servervariables["http_forwarded"]; } }      public static string ip_address     {                 {             if (http_x_forwarded_for != null)             {                 return http_x_forwarded_for;             }              return remote_addr;         }     } } 


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