How to handle escape character (`) in string under PowerShell -

i using powershell read string , xml file cdata sectiona , contains powershell esacpe character (`) part of string content. when powershell reading , writing content, removing escape character , causing problems in usage of same content.

i not able add double escape sequence `` in input since provided user , cannot restrict user same.

how processed correctly powershell?

i can't reproduce problem. need more information.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <exampleofacdata> <![cdata[     graimer`s [cdata[]] test.     notice used backtick in text,     powershell's escape character.     i'm gonna store in `$s` in ps. ]]> </exampleofacdata> 


ps > $xml = [xml](get-content .\desktop\test.xml) $s = $xml.exampleofacdata."#cdata-section" $s      graimer`s [cdata[]] test.     notice used backtick in text,     powershell's escape character.     i'm gonna store in `$s` in ps. 

in general, make sure special characters behave normal characters, variables don't expand etc., use single quotes 'text' around string. powershell's normal behaviour when strings other sources(functions, files ...) too.


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