ios - Programmatically get WiFi Gateway, DNS info -

i able wifi ip address information code found online:

is possible identify dns & gateway information well? code it? thanks,

this done using code

#include <resolv.h>  #include <dns.h> #include<stdio.h>  #include<string.h>     #include<stdlib.h>     #include<sys/socket.h>     #include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr , inet_ntoa , ntohs etc #include<netinet/in.h> #include<unistd.h>      -(void) get_dns_servers {     res_state res = malloc(sizeof(struct __res_state));     int result = res_ninit(res);     if(result==0)     {         nslog(@"no of dns ip : %d",res->nscount);         ( int i= 0; < res->nscount; i++)         {             nsstring *s = [nsstring stringwithutf8string :  inet_ntoa(res->nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr)];             nslog(@"dns ip : %@",s);             [server_dns addobject:s];         }     }   } 


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