javascript - A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client tbpassword="9<Grfs-&3E" -

this question has answer here:

net, getting error saying

"a potentially dangerous request.form value detected client" when entering password special characters "<" , ">" in it, found solutions on online saying add validrequest="false" , requestvalidationmode="2.0" did add both statements in web.config file , on top of page web config looks this

<system.web> <authorization> <allow roles="target.drp.admins, target.drp.business_admins, target.drp.device_mngrs, target.drp.users, target.drp.manufacturers"/> <deny users="?"/> </authorization> <httpruntime requestvalidationmode="2.0"/> <compilation debug="true"/> <pages validaterequest="false"/> </system.web>

and showing if password has "<" or ">" if password has both "<" , ">" working fine. there way resolve this.

thank you..

if you're submiting form won't work unless encode values-


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