visual studio 2010 - c++ Calling class method inside same method -

i´m writing clslog class:

// main dll file.  #include "stdafx.h"  #include <time.h>  #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string>  #include "clslog.h"   std::string     m_strcurloguser;  int         m_icurlogaction;         int         m_icurloglevel;      std::ofstream           m_ocurlogfile;  //  // loginit // initilize log parameters of system. // filename file name system log messages (log.txt default if no names given). // databasename , tablename specifies database , table name used log. default "log_database" , "log_table" // done. // action shall or options. att: if option giver (ex: database) , invalid name given, error occur. // // default log level 0 (0). every log level upper logged. change level must done  // using setloglevel method. // // return = 0: success //      1: failure // int loginit (std::string filename,      // initialize log file/connection.              std::string databasename,  // database name connect to.              std::string tablename,     // table name connect to.              std::string username,      // user name log              int action)                // action done. {     //     // if file open, calling function before closing previous one. error.     //     if (m_ocurlogfile.is_open ())     {         std::string msg;          msg = "loginit called " + filename + " witout closing previous session. error";         this->clslog::log (msg);     }          // stuff      return 0; }  //  // log // logs message according level. // // return = 0: success //          1: failure // int log (std::string message, int level) // register log according log state. {     time_t now;     struct tm ptm;     char buffer [32];      //     // if sent message level below current level, abort.     //     if (level < m_icurloglevel)         return 1;       // current date , time , convert time structure (ptm)     = time (null);     localtime_s (&ptm, &now);      //     // format time structure: dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss)     strftime (buffer, 32, "%d/%m/%y %h:%m:%s", &ptm);       // check if needs logged on stdio     //     if ((m_icurloglevel & logaction_stdout) == logaction_stdout)     {         cout << buffer + " " + message;      }      return 0; } 

i´m not being able compile. i´m getting following error @

this->clslog::log (msg); 

c2227 error on left of '->log' must point class/struct/union/generic type. using vs2010, win32 application.

help appreciated.


i don't see evidence functions inside class definition; therefore, error message says, there's no "this" pointer available. "this" available in instance members of class.


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