Select from XElement with where statement using linq -

i have , xelement object built xml looking this:

<root>   <oppurtunities>     <oppurtunity>       <title> account manager</title>       <company>company name</company>       <location>boston</location>       <enddate>2013-04-11</enddate>       <c>acce</c>       <id>mnyn-95zl8l</id>       <description>this detailed description...</description>     </oppurtunity> 

now need description value specific oppurtunity node, meaning want description id specific. need this:

//my xelement object called oppurtunities oppurtunities = new xelement((xelement)cache["oppurtunities"]);  string id = request.querystring["id"];  //i want of course not working var description = (from job in oppurtunities                               .element("oppurtunities")                               .element("oppurtunity")                               .element("description")                               job.element("id") == id).singleordefault(); 

you have move .element("description") further in query, allow id condition work:

//i want of course not working var description = (from job in oppurtunities                               .element("oppurtunities")                               .elements("oppurtunity")                    job.element("id") == id                    select job.element("description")).singleordefault() 

to compare element("id") string use (string)xelement conversion - it's gonna work when <id> won't found:

where (string)job.element("id") == id 

using xelement.value throw nullreferenceexception in situation.


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