c++ - Can remote connections to MySQL be secured? -

i've written program in c++ stores data local mysql database every 5 seconds. need store data on webhosted mysql database remote (the webhosting provides remote access). think easy rewrite program connect remote server, have different problem.

can make connection secure (encrypted)? i'm afraid password can sniffed. must server support special make possible?

i thought of allowing remote connections database 1 specific ip address (my public static ip), prevent else connecting database (unless hack wifi , sniff password). wouldn't have worry if sniffed password?

what solution recommend me?

one solution kind of problem use ssh tunnel remote host. don't have specific formula, ssh client such putty can set listen on local port , connect remote port local other end of connection.

you log in remote host ssh, open mysql connection local port, have effect of opening local connection on other end of ssh conneciton.


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