c++ - Full screen in openGL -

i trying render opengl window in fullscreen , using nehe tutorials learn how this. have reached point using exact same code in both example code given , own code, when reaches line:

if (changedisplaysettings(&dmscreensettings,cds_fullscreen)!=disp_change_successful) 

this doesn't evaluate true in code, though in example code given. more confusing while de-bugging same point.

is there simple i'm missing such in project properties, or if not, advise me on other ways of creating full screen window.

nehe tutorial using: http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/creating_an_opengl_window_%28win32%29/13001/

if you're learning, try using glut. can create window in few lines, , can mess opengl code, until you're comfortable enough try out platform specific apis doing such winapi.

you'll need install freeglut (implementation of outdated glut), , glew (for ease of using opengl 1.1+ functions because microsoft's gl.h hasn't been updated since then)

bare minimum code:

#define freeglut_static // defined can link freeglut_static.lib when compiling #define glew_static     // defined can link glew's static .lib when compiling  #include <gl/glew.h>     // has included before gl.h, or header includes gl.h #include <gl/freeglut.h>  void draw() {     // code rendering here     glutswapbuffers();   // swapping image buffer double buffering     glutpostredisplay(); // redrawing. omit line if don't want constant redraw }  int main(int argc, char** argv) {     glutinit(&argc, argv);     glutinitdisplaymode(glut_double | glut_rgba); // enabling double buffering , rgba     glutinitwindowsize(600, 600);     glutcreatewindow("opengl"); // creating window     glutfullscreen();           // making window full screen     glutdisplayfunc(draw);      // draw function redrawing screen      glutmainloop();      return 0; } 


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