entity framework - EF 6 - many-to-many - Join table without duplicates -

i'm using ef6 have confusion on seeding many many relationship.

i have following:

a user has many saved chartqueries (that can execute chart). chartquery typically belongs 1 user, there several "shared" chartquerys every user can execute. result set many many relationship using join table userchartquery. tables in database fine @ 1-to-many on each side of join table.

however, i'm not quite understanding how seed or use relationship. don't want end several duplicates of "shared" chartquerys (a duplicate each user). instead, there should single row each "shared" chartquery part of each user's savedchartqueries collection (along other, non-shared chartquerys belong user only).

it seems i'm forced duplicate each user:

  var sharedchartquery = new chartquery { ... };    var nonsharedchartquery = new chartquery { ... };    var useronechartqueryone = new userchartquery { user = userone, chartquery = sharedchartquery  };    var usertwochartqueryone = new userchartquery { user = usertwo, chartquery = sharedchartquery };   var usertwochartquerytwo = new userchartquery { user = usertwo, chartquery = nonsharedchartquery };     context.userchartqueries.add(useronechartqueryone);   context.userchartqueries.add(useronechartquerytwo);   context.userchartqueries.add(usertwochartquerytwo); 

so first of right way seed (through userchartqueries table directly) or should seed each user's savedchartqueries navigation property?

and result in duplicate sharedchartquery in join table each user? if there way avoid this?

ok understand how works now. following works expected:

   var userone = new user {};    var usertwo = new user {};    var chartquery = new chartquery { };          context.users.add(userone);         context.users.add(usertwo);         context.userchartqueries.add(new userchartquery { user = userone, chartquery = chartquery });         context.userchartqueries.add(new userchartquery { user = usertwo, chartquery = chartquery });         context.chartqueries.add(chartquery); 

the last line adds table record resides. checking join table in ssms shows holds foreign keys , nothing else. there no duplicates.


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