Have an issue completely removing from "Products.qPloneDropDownMenu.browser" from Plone -

i getting following error when trying uses product in plone. uninstall below production , rebuilt plone without it. appears there left on when installed. ideas on how remove package completely?

this no longer installed

"products.qplonedropdownmenu.browser"  request url    http://x.x.x.x:8080/site2/xxx/portal_cache_settings/cache_tool_config  traceback (innermost last):     module zpublisher.publish, line 125, in publish     module zope2.app.startup, line 238, in commit     module transaction._manager, line 96, in commit     module transaction._transaction, line 395, in commit     module transaction._transaction, line 495, in _commitresources     module zodb.connection, line 510, in commit     module zodb.connection, line 555, in _commit     module zodb.connection, line 582, in _store_objects     module zodb.serialize, line 407, in serialize     module zodb.serialize, line 416, in _dump picklingerror: can't pickle <class 'products.qplonedropdownmenu.browser.interfaces.iqplonedropdownmenulayer'>: import of module products.qplonedropdownmenu.browser.interfaces failed 

you can use wildcard.fixpersitentutilities remove persistent class, read post david breitkreutz detailed informations:



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