ios6 - Trying to Get Current Location integrated with iOS project -

so i'm attempting integrate user's current location ios project - i'm using third part code build out map pinpoints - have these frameworks integrated:

#import <uikit/uikit.h> #import <corelocation/corelocation.h> #import <quartzcore/quartzcore.h> #import <mapkit/mapkit.h> 

here's code pinpoints - appreciated:

#import "asymap.h"  @implementation asymap @synthesize currentannotation,mapannotations,map,prompt,mapfromlink,selectedannotationid,selectedannotationindex,showothers,usecustomtitle,customtitle; /**  * class constructor  */ -(id)init{     self = [super init];     if(self){         usecustomtitle = false;         mapfromlink = false;         showothers = false;         map = [[asymapobject alloc] init];         [map addonview:self.view];     }         return self; }  /**  * overwrite set page method in  * order show selected annotation  * link  */ -(void)setpage:(nsdictionary *)page{     nsdictionary *metas = [page valueforkey:@"metas"];     if([metas valueforkey:@"selectedannotationpagetitle"] && ![[[metas valueforkey:@"selectedannotationpagetitle"] stringvalue] isequaltostring:@""] && customtitle == nil){         usecustomtitle = true;         nsstring *newtitle = [metas valueforkey:@"selectedannotationpagetitle"];         customtitle = [[nsstring alloc] initwithstring:[[newtitle stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"+" withstring:@" "] stringbyreplacingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]];      }     if(usecustomtitle && customtitle != nil){         nsmutabledictionary *pagewithcustomtitle = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] initwithdictionary:page];         [pagewithcustomtitle setvalue:customtitle forkey:@"title"];         [super          setpage:pagewithcustomtitle];     }else{         [super setpage:page];     }     if([metas valueforkey:@"annotationfromlink"] && [[[metas valueforkey:@"annotationfromlink"] stringvalue] isequaltostring:@"yes"] && selectedannotationid == nil){         selectedannotationid = [[nsstring alloc] initwithstring:[metas valueforkey:@"selectedannotation"]];         mapfromlink = true;         showothers = [[[metas valueforkey:@"showothers"] stringvalue] isequaltostring:@"yes"];     }else if(mapfromlink && selectedannotationid != nil){         mapfromlink = false;         nsarray *annotations = [page valueforkey:@"annotations"];         for(int = 0; < [annotations count]; a++){             nsdictionary *annotation = [annotations objectatindex:a];             if([[[annotation valueforkey:@"annotationid"] stringvalue] isequaltostring:selectedannotationid]){                 mapfromlink = true;                 selectedannotationindex = a;                 break;             }         }     } } /**  * set module's name  */ -(void)makeprocess{     [self setmodulename:@"map"]; } /**  * create basic prompt alert  */ -(void)buildmodule{     prompt = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"" message:[theme asy__:@"open on maps app?"] delegate:self cancelbuttontitle:[theme asy__:@"no"] otherbuttontitles:[theme asy__:@"yes"], nil]; } /**  * set annotations after page data  */ -(void)requestedpage:(nsdictionary *)pageinformation{     [self setpage:pageinformation];     if(mapfromlink && !showothers && [[self getpagemapannotations] count] > 0){         nsarray *pageannotations = [self getpagemapannotations];         mapannotations = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects:[pageannotations objectatindex:selectedannotationindex],nil];     }else{         mapannotations = [[nsarray alloc] initwitharray:[self getpagemapannotations]];     }     [map setmapannotations:mapannotations anddelegate:self];     if(mapfromlink){         [map focusmaponannotationatindex:(showothers ? selectedannotationindex : 0)];     }     [map build];     [self hideloading];     [self checkpageoptionbutton]; } /**  * module orientation did change  */ -(void)moduleorientationdidchange{     [map setframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)]; }  #pragma mark - map delegate /**  * check if annotation has properties action or prompt opened  * on maps app should appear  */ -(void)asymapobject:(asymapobject *)mapobject didselectannotation:(nsdictionary *)annotation atindex:(nsinteger)index{     currentannotation = index;     if([[annotation valueforkey:@"menuid"] isequaltostring:@"0"] &&        [[annotation valueforkey:@"pageid"] isequaltostring:@"0"] &&        [[annotation valueforkey:@"link"] isequaltostring:@""] &&        [[annotation valueforkey:@"url"] isequaltostring:@""] &&        [[annotation valueforkey:@"phpfile"] isequaltostring:@""]){         [prompt settitle:[annotation valueforkey:@"title"]];         [prompt show];     }else{         appsifymecore *core = [appsifymecore sharedappsifymecore];         [core basichandlerformultiactionsoption:annotation];     } }  #pragma mark - alert view delegate /**  * detect if user wants open annotation on maps app, , if  * true, method build link , open app  */ -(void)alertview:(uialertview *)alertview clickedbuttonatindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex{     if(buttonindex != 1) return;     appsifymecore *core = [appsifymecore sharedappsifymecore];     nsdictionary *annotation = [mapannotations objectatindex:currentannotation];     float latitude = [[annotation valueforkey:@"latitude"] floatvalue];     float longitude = [[annotation valueforkey:@"longitude"] floatvalue];     if(![core asyios6]){         nsstring *pinname = [[nsstring alloc] initwithstring:[core encodeurlparameter:[annotation valueforkey:@"title"]]];         int zoom = 13;         nsstring *stringurl = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@",%1.6f&z=%d", pinname, latitude, longitude, zoom];         nsurl *url = [[nsurl alloc] initwithstring:stringurl];         [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl:url];     }else{         class itemclass = [mkmapitem class];         if (itemclass && [itemclass respondstoselector:@selector(openmapswithitems:launchoptions:)]) {             cllocationcoordinate2d coordinate = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(latitude,longitude);             mkplacemark *placemark = [[mkplacemark alloc] initwithcoordinate:coordinate addressdictionary:nil];             mkmapitem *item =  [[mkmapitem alloc] initwithplacemark:placemark];    = [[annotation valueforkey:@"title"] stringvalue];             [item openinmapswithlaunchoptions:nil];         }     } }   @end 

in init method, add line

 self.showsuserlocation = yes; 


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