kineticjs - shift shapes in groupS -

i've got little problem. kinetic stage this:

stage -> layer0 -> group0 -> shapes           layer1 -> group1 -> shapes           layer2 -> group2 -> shapes 

i need move group1 , group2 both when group0 event called (dragstart, dragmove etc). tried this:

group0.draggable = true; group0.on('dragstart', function(){   var = #save first mouse position point }) group0.on('dragmove', function(){   #ref group1 , group2 store in group0 , debugged in chrome, object recognize    group1.setposition(my new positions x, y)   group2.setposition(...) }) 

in other words. need connected groups different layers , treat them in 1 group nested 3 others groups. code doesnt work, bug or forgot something? how achieve this? there no error in console, doesnt work, can shift group0 group1 , group2 setposition function doesnt change despite seem call properly. thank you

i can speculate because don't have code in front of me.

but first thing check redrawing layers.

group0.on('dragmove', function(){     #ref group1 , group2 store in group0 , debugged in chrome, object recognize      group1.setposition(my new positions x, y)     group2.setposition(...)     group1.getlayer().draw(); //redraw group1 layer     group2.getlayer().draw(); //redraw group2 layer     // stage.draw(); // possibility })  //you can transitions, redrawing you. group1.transitionto({     duration: 1, //how long animation takes in seconds     x: new position x coord     y: new position y coord });  //repeat other groups want moved 

also, important note set position doesn't change position of items inside it, if had shape1 @ 100,100 still report being @ 100, 100 after group moved, since position relative container in.


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