mvc - MVC encodig strings -

i set validateinputattribute in controller action false. in view, have textbox:

<p>     <%= html.textboxfor(m =>, new { maxlength = "100" })%>      <%= html.validationmessagefor(m => %>     <%= html.hidden("hiddenlastname", %> </p> 

now can save thourgh textbox, when displaying data see strange characters. when save <script>alert(“boo!”)</script> , open site again see result, see: <script>alert(“boo!”)</script>

how can fix this?

note: i'm not encoding input somewhere else in code.

if want see < instead of &lt;, use httputility.htmldecode

if you're saving user input in database , want them allow entering html, encode input in controler before storing in database:

model.input = httputility.htmlencode(model.input); 

and when want dispaly input, decode in in view:


and instead of setting validateinputattribute false, use [allowhtml] attribute input property in model:

[required] [allowhtml] public string input {get; set;} 


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