How to read row/col from CursorWindow ? - android -

this function compare it....... please find error if any.i have not logged in it

public void onclick(view v) { // todo auto-generated method stub  string unname=username1.gettext().tostring(); string storedpassword1=db.getdata(unname);; try { if(password.equals(storedpassword1)) { intent it=new intent(""); startactivity(it); } else {  toast.maketext(database.this, "user name or password  not match",     toast.length_long).show(); system.out.println("errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"); } db.close();  } catch (exception e) { toast.maketext(database.this, "does not enter in try block", toast.length_long).show(); } } }); 

this db class please find error this.i have not login in this

import android.content.contentvalues; import android.content.context; import android.database.cursor; import android.database.sqlexception; import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase; import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper; import android.util.log; public class editdatabase  { public static final string key_username="username"; public static final string key_role="role"; public static final string key_password="password"; private static final string tag="dbaadapter"; private static final string database_name="mydatabase"; private static final string database_table="login"; private static final int database_version=1;  private static final string database_create="create table "+database_table+"("+key_username+" text primary key ,"+key_password+" text not null,"+key_role+" text not null)";   private final context context;   private static databasehelper dbhelper;   private static sqlitedatabase db;    public editdatabase(context ctx){  this.context=ctx;  dbhelper=new databasehelper(context);   }   private static class databasehelper extends sqliteopenhelper{   databasehelper(context context){   super(context,database_name,null,database_version);   }  @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) { // todo auto-generated method stub  log.w(tag, "upgrading database version " + oldversion + " "   + newversion + ", destroy old data");   db.execsql("drop table if exists contacts");   oncreate(db); }  @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) { // todo auto-generated method stub db.execsql(database_create); } } public editdatabase open() throws sqlexception{     // todo auto-generated method stub     db=dbhelper.getwritabledatabase();       return this; }  public long insertdetails(string uname, string pass, string string) {     // todo auto-generated method stub        contentvalues initialvalues = new contentvalues();       initialvalues.put(key_username, uname);       initialvalues.put(key_password, pass);       initialvalues.put(key_role, "admin");       return db.insert(database_table, null, initialvalues); } public void close() {     // todo auto-generated method stub      dbhelper.close(); }  public string getdata(string unname) {     // todo auto-generated method stub      cursor cursor = db.rawquery("select * login key_username=?", new string [] { unname.tostring() });     if(cursor.getcount()<1) // username not exist     {         cursor.close();         return "not exist";     }     cursor.movetofirst();     string password= cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex("key_password"));     cursor.close();       return password;   } public long insertdetailsuser(string uname, string pass, string string) {     // todo auto-generated method stub      contentvalues initialvaluess = new contentvalues();       initialvaluess.put(key_username, uname);       initialvaluess.put(key_password, pass);       initialvaluess.put(key_role, "user");       return db.insert(database_table, null, initialvaluess); }  public cursor getallcontacts() {     // todo auto-generated method stub       return db.query(database_table, new string[] {key_username, key_password,               key_role}, null, null, null, null, null);} public boolean deletedetails(string uname)  { // todo auto-generated method stub //cursor cursor=db.rawquery("select password login " +  key_username + "='"   + unname + "'", null); return db.delete(database_table,key_username + "='" + uname + "'",  null)>0; } } 

i think might you.. try data using code.. snippet code can manage yourself..

public string get(string unname) {      return db.rawquery("select * login key_username=?", new string [] { unname.tostring() }); }

public void onclick(view v) {     string storedpassword;     string unname=username1.gettext().tostring();;      cursor cur = db.get(unname);     cur.movetofirst();           if(cur.getcount() < 1 )     {         storedpassword = "not exist";     }     else     {         storedpassword = cur.getstring(cur.getcolumnindex("key_password"));     }      cur.close();      try     {         if(password.equals(storedpassword))         {             intent it=new intent("");             startactivity(it);         }         else         {             toast.maketext(database.this, "user name or password not match", toast.length_long).show();             system.out.println("errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr");         }         db.close();      }     catch (exception e)     {         toast.maketext(database.this, "does not enter in try block", toast.length_long).show();     } } 


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