c# - Build Banshee: Missing dependencies -

i'm trying build banshee source. ran autogen.sh , here's (some of) output:

configure: error: package requirements (gstreamer-0.10 >= 0.10.26     gstreamer-base-0.10 >= 0.10.26     gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 >= 0.10.26     gstreamer-controller-0.10 >= 0.10.26     gstreamer-dataprotocol-0.10 >= 0.10.26     gstreamer-fft-0.10 >= 0.10.26) not met:  no package 'gstreamer-0.10' found no package 'gstreamer-base-0.10' found no package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10' found no package 'gstreamer-controller-0.10' found no package 'gstreamer-dataprotocol-0.10' found no package 'gstreamer-fft-0.10' found  consider adjusting pkg_config_path environment variable if installed software in non-standard prefix.  alternatively, may set environment variables gst_cflags , gst_libs avoid need call pkg-config. see pkg-config man page more details. error: not run ./configure, required configure banshee 

i've ran sudo apt-get build-dep banshee, have no idea how solve problem.

there different types of dependencies, build time dependencies , run time dependencies. need more dependencies build program need run it. example, running program may require shared library. building program may require header file. when installed banshee typically install run time dependencies along it, not build time dependencies. since you're using apt-get should investigate packages need install in order required build dependencies.

the error message received program called pkg-config. it's typically used tracking build dependencies. libraries may example require different compiler flags on different systems, pkg-config has directory of libraries knows how use. here banshee's build system calls pkg-config in order find correct flags using gstreamer libraries, since development files gstreamer not installed pkg-config won't know how use them. once development files package uses pkg-config installed flags can requested running pkg-config, example pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-0.10 return preprocessor, compiler , link flags gstreamer-0.10 library.

the files pkg-config uses typically named name-of-library.pc. use package manager search files such gstreamer-0.10.pc, gstreamer-base-0.10.pc , on packages pkg-config not find. systems uses apt-get has tool (although not installed default) called apt-file can used query package manager name of packages supply specific file, example apt-file search gstreamer-0.10.pc. many distributions such debian or ubuntu has web interfaces supports searching packages based on file names.

you can install required build dependencies running apt-get build-dep name-of-package. install packages needed build program. install requirements building version of package package manager distributes. version you're building might have different dependencies, if requirements same should give need.


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